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2024 Building Season: Significant Progress on Final Four Hermitages in First Group of Six

2024 Building Season:
Water and Septic Infrastructure


of 2024:
Trail and Road Construction


Spring of 2024: Chapel Bell Installation

September 23, 2023:
Archbishop Blessing

On September 23rd, 2023, Archbishop Aquila blessed the chapel and the hermitages of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Ignatius.

“It was a joy to come to Patris Corde to bless the new chapel and the hermitages. I am delighted with the progress that you have made and your vision going forward. It will be a great service to the Archdiocese by giving priests and others a place to encounter the Divine Word in a place of beauty and silence. Know of my gratitude and be assured of my prayers for you and for what you are doing.”


- Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.L., Archbishop of Denver


Fall of 2023:
Near Completion of Stone Chapel

The Chapel of St. Joseph is nearly completed.

“At the heart of retreat is the presence of God. So too, the heart of every retreat center is the chapel, the privileged place where God dwells in the Most Holy Eucharist. At Patris Corde, the chapel is the central place around which all other hermitages orbit; for within it lies the source and summit of our Catholic faith. In many respects, the chapel could be described as ’God's hermitage.’" - Fr. Nepil

Fall of 2023:
Completion of 2 Hermitages

The hermitages of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Ignatius are also nearly complete.

“Often, before his greatest acts of ministry, Jesus would withdraw to the wilderness, to the mountains, to pray. Going to the wilderness, away from the constant noise of the world and into the spiritual desert, has made me a better husband, a better father, and a better teacher. The gift of silence at Patris Corde, a place surrounded by stunning beauty, is one of the Archdiocese of Denver’s greatest resources. In the quiet, we can hear Jesus speak to us. It is here that He is able to reintroduce us to ourselves.”

- Scott Powell - Retreatant - PhD, Assistant Professor of Theology at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Co-founder of Camp Wojtyla


Summer of 2022

Construction of First 2 Hermitages

As of October, the first two hermitages are nearing completion, with roofing and final exterior trim in progress. The final steps will include flooring, interior trim, plumbing, and electrical. These building sites are pictured at right.


Spring and Summer 2022

Solar Power System

In the fall of this year, we completed the power building and installation of the solar system that will power the hermitages of Phase I in addition to the well and septic pumps. This system included batteries, inverter, and backup generator as well as additional gas infrastructure.

Spring and Summer 2022

Chapel Foundation

Thanks to the generous support of many donors, the chapel foundation was completed in the early summer of 2022 and awaits building in 2023.

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Spring and Summer 2022

Land Preparation

In the spring and summer of 2022, we continued clearing ground for the walking trail system.

Spring and Summer 2022

Construction of 2 Hermitages

In April of 2022, we began construction of the first two hermitages, Saint Francis of Assisi Hermitage and Saint Ignatius of Loyola Hermitage.


Spring and Summer 2021

Completion of Inground Septic and Piping

Completion of inground septic and piping for Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Ignatius of Loyola Hermitages.

Spring and Summer 2021

Pouring of Foundation Footer

During the building season of 2021, we began and will complete the footer, foundation walls, and concrete slabs for both the Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Ignatius of Loyola Hermitages, including underground plumbing, water and radiant heat installation. 


Spring and Summer 2021

Insulated Foundation Walls

Spring and Summer 2021

Pouring of Foundation Walls


Spring and Summer 2021

Gas Infrastructure Completion

The completed gas infrastructure included the burying and installation of three 1,000 gallon propane tanks, as well as gas service infrastructure to the stone chapel and the first 6 hermitages.

Spring and Summer 2021

Power Infrastructure

During the building season of 2021 and in the spring of 2022, we began and will complete work on all electric power systems and infrastructure for the first 6 hermitages.


Spring and Summer 2021

Septic Tank Completion

Spring and Summer 2021

Septic Field Completion


Spring and Summer 2021


During the building season of 2021, we also completed work on the parking area.

Spring and Summer 2021

Completion of Water Treatment and Storage Facilities

During the building season of 2021, we completed work on water treatment and storage facilities.

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Spring and Summer 2021

Septic Lines Completion

During the building season of 2021, we completed work on the septic lines/cleanouts and wastewater treatment infrastructure for the first 6 hermitages.

Spring and Summer 2021


During the building season of 2021, we completed work on most of the roads.


February 2021

Approval of Special Use Permit

In February of 2021, our Special Use Permit was approved by the Commissioners of Grand County - something we had formally worked on with them for almost a year. 

April-October 2020

Preparing Building Site for Saint Ignatius of Loyola / Fr. Raymond Gawronski Hermitage

In 2020, we cleared the building site for the Saint Ignatius of Loyola Hermitage pictured on the right, dedicated in memory of Fr. Raymond Gawronski, S.J.


April-October 2020

Preparing Building Site for St. Francis of Assisi / Msgr. Michael Glenn Hermitage

In 2020, we cleared the building site for the Saint Francis of Assisi Hermitage pictured on the left, dedicated in memory of Monsignor Michael Glenn.

April-October 2020

Preparing Building Site for Chapel

During the same 5-6 months in 2020, we also cleared the land for the stone chapel that will be modeled after St. Francis's portiuncula.

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April-October 2020

Preparing of Land for Building and for Walking Trails

In 2020, 5-6 months were spent clearing approximately 150 acres that were assigned to Patris Corde Hermitage. Land was also cleared for some of the walking trail system.






© 2021 by Patris Corde Hermitage.

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